
8 lines
985 B

# FTU - the FemtoStar Token Utility
FTU is a command line frontend for fstoken, FemtoStar's implementation of its Credit Token system, allowing users to manually generate, sign, handle, and validate Credit Tokens for use with the FemtoStar Protocol. It is, at present, developed and tested only on GNU/Linux.
To get started, run `get_dependencies.sh` - at present this just clones the blst Git repo, which ftu statically links. Then run `./build` to get
and `ftu` executable.
FTU can be used with arbitrary targets, including user-generated ones, and at present it does not include any. To use it, you will need a directory at your token path containing a directory named `targets`. Set the environment variable FEMTOSTAR_TOKEN_PATH to the path you want to store your targets at. For testing without modifying your environment, you can run `source set_token_path.sh` to set the token path, by default to `~/fstokens` in your home directory, and, if needed, create these directories.