Converter for automated PCB assembly on the Neoden 3V
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2021-10-17 05:05:30 -04:00 initial commit 2021-10-17 05:05:30 -04:00 initial commit 2021-10-17 05:05:30 -04:00

#kicad_to_neoden for Neoden 3V Converter for automated PCB assembly from a KiCad POS file on the Neoden 3V pick-and-place machine

This is a version of szczys's kicad-to-neoden, modified for use by the FemtoStar Project, so as to output the format expected by the Neoden 3V we use. We admit - it's kind of hackish, and remains a work in progress.

NOTE: This currently expects your board to be in the +X/+Y or +X/-Y quadrant in the POS file. Most boards will be in +X/+Y in Pcbnew and +X/-Y in the POS file

USAGE: some-kicad-file-top.pos (will create some-kicad-file-top_neoden.csv)

Notes on coordinates:

  • In KiCad editor, 0,0 is the top left, down is +Y
  • In KiCad POS file, 0,0 is still the top left, but down is -Y and your board is in the +X, -Y quadrant if it was in +X/+Y in KiCAD
  • On Neoden, in machine space, 0,0 is the front left corner of the machine.
  • The Neoden does not allow negative coordinates, even in board space, and will not let you enter them in the UI.
  • In POS files and on the machine, but NOT in the editor, higher-value Y coordinates are further UP the board - no "flipping" from the pos file is needed

Conversion involves:

  • Finding minimum Y value in input POS file
  • Taking the absolute value of this
  • Adding this to all Y coordinates

When setting up the Neoden:

  • The "first chip" coordinate you're supposed to set is NOT a fiducial even though it lets you optically align it, unless a fid is your first component
  • It's literally the first component in order to be placed, and it has to be set to this in machine space
  • Most component footprints cannot be easily aligned to using the Mark Align feature of the machine - do this manually
  • It's okay if you're a little off - placement of your board is still based on your fiducials, this is only used to find the fiducials to begin with
  • The CSV file this generates is NOT the CSV you can import from the Neoden's file manager - that includes feeder information, etc, not just components
  • To import this CSV file, create or copy a file, then click Edit on it, and import the CSV into the last tab - ensure components are added.
  • You will need to set fiducial coordinates manually, and mark fiducials as "Skip - Yes" to avoid "placing" them.
  • Pay attention to component heights, which you set on the machine itself - don't want to slam your parts into the board too hard.