FemtoStar - Donate

The FemtoStar Project is a community of volunteers funded by a grant from our partner NLnet, out-of-pocket by some of our members, and from donations by our community. Nobody is required to donate, and we currently don't have much in terms of perks for donors, but if you'd like to see this project succeed and are able to, consider throwing a few dollars our way or setting up a recurring donation through Liberapay.

Donations go directly into buying hardware for the project. All of our members are volunteers, and our operating costs apart from hardware are low enough to cover out of pocket. Everything donated here will be spent on hardware to make this project possible.

Via PayPal, we accept both one-time donations directly via PayPal, and recurring donations via Liberapay (processed using PayPal).

PayPal (one-time donation): Click Here

Liberapay (recurring donation): Click Here

If you would like to make a donation in cryptocurrency, please send any amount of Bitcoin or Monero to one of the following addresses.

Bitcoin: bc1qnytm8arpuz247622yef070nvxx56qp6dqwl80s

Monero: 83YcY9dsxARYkS4AaKVNkEJTLMQnuvuzSSij9vC7SqU7eriCpHHBsrs2ijKE6MQjobUShY4D2kjQTZ3XXp7WMtR7PdjKrx9

If you would like to donate via a method not listed above (such as via a different payment processor or in a different cryptocurrency), please contact us and we'd be glad to help set something up.