2022-09-09 02:47:49 -04:00

585 lines
16 KiB

* Copyright Supranational LLC
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0, see LICENSE for details.
* SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
* Why this file? Overall goal is to ensure that all internal calls
* remain internal after linking application. This is to both
* a) minimize possibility of external name conflicts (since all
* non-blst-prefixed and [assembly subroutines] remain static);
* b) preclude possibility of unintentional internal reference
* overload in shared library context (one can achieve same
* effect with -Bsymbolic, but we don't want to rely on end-user
* to remember to use it);
#include "fields.h"
* BLS12-381-specifc Fr shortcuts to assembly.
void blst_fr_add(vec256 ret, const vec256 a, const vec256 b)
{ add_mod_256(ret, a, b, BLS12_381_r); }
void blst_fr_sub(vec256 ret, const vec256 a, const vec256 b)
{ sub_mod_256(ret, a, b, BLS12_381_r); }
void blst_fr_mul_by_3(vec256 ret, const vec256 a)
{ mul_by_3_mod_256(ret, a, BLS12_381_r); }
void blst_fr_lshift(vec256 ret, const vec256 a, size_t count)
{ lshift_mod_256(ret, a, count, BLS12_381_r); }
void blst_fr_rshift(vec256 ret, const vec256 a, size_t count)
{ rshift_mod_256(ret, a, count, BLS12_381_r); }
void blst_fr_mul(vec256 ret, const vec256 a, const vec256 b)
{ mul_mont_sparse_256(ret, a, b, BLS12_381_r, r0); }
void blst_fr_sqr(vec256 ret, const vec256 a)
{ sqr_mont_sparse_256(ret, a, BLS12_381_r, r0); }
void blst_fr_cneg(vec256 ret, const vec256 a, int flag)
{ cneg_mod_256(ret, a, is_zero(flag) ^ 1, BLS12_381_r); }
void blst_fr_to(vec256 ret, const vec256 a)
{ mul_mont_sparse_256(ret, a, BLS12_381_rRR, BLS12_381_r, r0); }
void blst_fr_from(vec256 ret, const vec256 a)
{ from_mont_256(ret, a, BLS12_381_r, r0); }
void blst_fr_from_scalar(vec256 ret, const pow256 a)
const union {
long one;
char little;
} is_endian = { 1 };
if ((uptr_t)ret == (uptr_t)a && is_endian.little) {
mul_mont_sparse_256(ret, (const limb_t *)a, BLS12_381_rRR,
BLS12_381_r, r0);
} else {
vec256 out;
limbs_from_le_bytes(out, a, 32);
mul_mont_sparse_256(ret, out, BLS12_381_rRR, BLS12_381_r, r0);
vec_zero(out, sizeof(out));
void blst_scalar_from_fr(pow256 ret, const vec256 a)
const union {
long one;
char little;
} is_endian = { 1 };
if ((uptr_t)ret == (uptr_t)a && is_endian.little) {
from_mont_256((limb_t *)ret, a, BLS12_381_r, r0);
} else {
vec256 out;
from_mont_256(out, a, BLS12_381_r, r0);
le_bytes_from_limbs(ret, out, 32);
vec_zero(out, sizeof(out));
int blst_scalar_fr_check(const pow256 a)
{ return (int)(check_mod_256(a, BLS12_381_r) |
bytes_are_zero(a, sizeof(pow256)));
int blst_sk_check(const pow256 a)
{ return (int)check_mod_256(a, BLS12_381_r); }
int blst_sk_add_n_check(pow256 ret, const pow256 a, const pow256 b)
{ return (int)add_n_check_mod_256(ret, a, b, BLS12_381_r); }
int blst_sk_sub_n_check(pow256 ret, const pow256 a, const pow256 b)
{ return (int)sub_n_check_mod_256(ret, a, b, BLS12_381_r); }
int blst_sk_mul_n_check(pow256 ret, const pow256 a, const pow256 b)
vec256 a_fr, b_fr;
const union {
long one;
char little;
} is_endian = { 1 };
if (((size_t)a|(size_t)b)%sizeof(limb_t) != 0 || !is_endian.little) {
limbs_from_le_bytes(a_fr, a, sizeof(a_fr));
limbs_from_le_bytes(b_fr, b, sizeof(a_fr));
a = (const byte *)a_fr;
b = (const byte *)b_fr;
mul_mont_sparse_256(a_fr, (const limb_t *)a, BLS12_381_rRR,
BLS12_381_r, r0);
mul_mont_sparse_256(b_fr, (const limb_t *)b, BLS12_381_rRR,
BLS12_381_r, r0);
mul_mont_sparse_256(a_fr, a_fr, b_fr, BLS12_381_r, r0);
from_mont_256(a_fr, a_fr, BLS12_381_r, r0);
le_bytes_from_limbs(ret, a_fr, sizeof(a_fr));
return (int)(vec_is_zero(a_fr, sizeof(a_fr)) ^ 1);
void blst_sk_inverse(pow256 ret, const pow256 a)
const union {
long one;
char little;
} is_endian = { 1 };
if (((size_t)a|(size_t)ret)%sizeof(limb_t) == 0 && is_endian.little) {
limb_t *out = (limb_t *)ret;
mul_mont_sparse_256(out, (const limb_t *)a, BLS12_381_rRR,
BLS12_381_r, r0);
reciprocal_fr(out, out);
from_mont_256(out, out, BLS12_381_r, r0);
} else {
vec256 out;
limbs_from_le_bytes(out, a, 32);
mul_mont_sparse_256(out, out, BLS12_381_rRR, BLS12_381_r, r0);
reciprocal_fr(out, out);
from_mont_256(out, out, BLS12_381_r, r0);
le_bytes_from_limbs(ret, out, 32);
vec_zero(out, sizeof(out));
* BLS12-381-specifc Fp shortcuts to assembly.
void blst_fp_add(vec384 ret, const vec384 a, const vec384 b)
{ add_fp(ret, a, b); }
void blst_fp_sub(vec384 ret, const vec384 a, const vec384 b)
{ sub_fp(ret, a, b); }
void blst_fp_mul_by_3(vec384 ret, const vec384 a)
{ mul_by_3_fp(ret, a); }
void blst_fp_mul_by_8(vec384 ret, const vec384 a)
{ mul_by_8_fp(ret, a); }
void blst_fp_lshift(vec384 ret, const vec384 a, size_t count)
{ lshift_fp(ret, a, count); }
void blst_fp_mul(vec384 ret, const vec384 a, const vec384 b)
{ mul_fp(ret, a, b); }
void blst_fp_sqr(vec384 ret, const vec384 a)
{ sqr_fp(ret, a); }
void blst_fp_cneg(vec384 ret, const vec384 a, int flag)
{ cneg_fp(ret, a, is_zero(flag) ^ 1); }
void blst_fp_to(vec384 ret, const vec384 a)
{ mul_fp(ret, a, BLS12_381_RR); }
void blst_fp_from(vec384 ret, const vec384 a)
{ from_fp(ret, a); }
* Fp serialization/deserialization.
void blst_fp_from_uint32(vec384 ret, const unsigned int a[12])
if (sizeof(limb_t) == 8) {
int i;
for (i = 0; i < 6; i++)
ret[i] = a[2*i] | ((limb_t)a[2*i+1] << (32 & (8*sizeof(limb_t)-1)));
a = (const unsigned int *)ret;
mul_fp(ret, (const limb_t *)a, BLS12_381_RR);
void blst_uint32_from_fp(unsigned int ret[12], const vec384 a)
if (sizeof(limb_t) == 4) {
from_fp((limb_t *)ret, a);
} else {
vec384 out;
int i;
from_fp(out, a);
for (i = 0; i < 6; i++) {
limb_t limb = out[i];
ret[2*i] = (unsigned int)limb;
ret[2*i+1] = (unsigned int)(limb >> (32 & (8*sizeof(limb_t)-1)));
void blst_fp_from_uint64(vec384 ret, const unsigned long long a[6])
const union {
long one;
char little;
} is_endian = { 1 };
if (sizeof(limb_t) == 4 && !is_endian.little) {
int i;
for (i = 0; i < 6; i++) {
unsigned long long limb = a[i];
ret[2*i] = (limb_t)limb;
ret[2*i+1] = (limb_t)(limb >> 32);
a = (const unsigned long long *)ret;
mul_fp(ret, (const limb_t *)a, BLS12_381_RR);
void blst_uint64_from_fp(unsigned long long ret[6], const vec384 a)
const union {
long one;
char little;
} is_endian = { 1 };
if (sizeof(limb_t) == 8 || is_endian.little) {
from_fp((limb_t *)ret, a);
} else {
vec384 out;
int i;
from_fp(out, a);
for (i = 0; i < 6; i++)
ret[i] = out[2*i] | ((unsigned long long)out[2*i+1] << 32);
void blst_fp_from_bendian(vec384 ret, const unsigned char a[48])
vec384 out;
limbs_from_be_bytes(out, a, sizeof(vec384));
mul_fp(ret, out, BLS12_381_RR);
void blst_bendian_from_fp(unsigned char ret[48], const vec384 a)
vec384 out;
from_fp(out, a);
be_bytes_from_limbs(ret, out, sizeof(vec384));
void blst_fp_from_lendian(vec384 ret, const unsigned char a[48])
vec384 out;
limbs_from_le_bytes(out, a, sizeof(vec384));
mul_fp(ret, out, BLS12_381_RR);
void blst_lendian_from_fp(unsigned char ret[48], const vec384 a)
vec384 out;
from_fp(out, a);
le_bytes_from_limbs(ret, out, sizeof(vec384));
* BLS12-381-specifc Fp2 shortcuts to assembly.
void blst_fp2_add(vec384x ret, const vec384x a, const vec384x b)
{ add_fp2(ret, a, b); }
void blst_fp2_sub(vec384x ret, const vec384x a, const vec384x b)
{ sub_fp2(ret, a, b); }
void blst_fp2_mul_by_3(vec384x ret, const vec384x a)
{ mul_by_3_fp2(ret, a); }
void blst_fp2_mul_by_8(vec384x ret, const vec384x a)
{ mul_by_8_fp2(ret, a); }
void blst_fp2_lshift(vec384x ret, const vec384x a, size_t count)
{ lshift_fp2(ret, a, count); }
void blst_fp2_mul(vec384x ret, const vec384x a, const vec384x b)
{ mul_fp2(ret, a, b); }
void blst_fp2_sqr(vec384x ret, const vec384x a)
{ sqr_fp2(ret, a); }
void blst_fp2_cneg(vec384x ret, const vec384x a, int flag)
{ cneg_fp2(ret, a, is_zero(flag) ^ 1); }
* Scalar serialization/deseriazation
void blst_scalar_from_uint32(pow256 ret, const unsigned int a[8])
const union {
long one;
char little;
} is_endian = { 1 };
size_t i;
if ((uptr_t)ret==(uptr_t)a && is_endian.little)
for(i = 0; i < 8; i++) {
unsigned int w = a[i];
*ret++ = (byte)w;
*ret++ = (byte)(w >> 8);
*ret++ = (byte)(w >> 16);
*ret++ = (byte)(w >> 24);
void blst_uint32_from_scalar(unsigned int ret[8], const pow256 a)
const union {
long one;
char little;
} is_endian = { 1 };
size_t i;
if ((uptr_t)ret==(uptr_t)a && is_endian.little)
for(i = 0; i < 8; i++) {
unsigned int w = (unsigned int)(*a++);
w |= (unsigned int)(*a++) << 8;
w |= (unsigned int)(*a++) << 16;
w |= (unsigned int)(*a++) << 24;
ret[i] = w;
void blst_scalar_from_uint64(pow256 ret, const unsigned long long a[4])
const union {
long one;
char little;
} is_endian = { 1 };
size_t i;
if ((uptr_t)ret==(uptr_t)a && is_endian.little)
for(i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
unsigned long long w = a[i];
*ret++ = (byte)w;
*ret++ = (byte)(w >> 8);
*ret++ = (byte)(w >> 16);
*ret++ = (byte)(w >> 24);
*ret++ = (byte)(w >> 32);
*ret++ = (byte)(w >> 40);
*ret++ = (byte)(w >> 48);
*ret++ = (byte)(w >> 56);
void blst_uint64_from_scalar(unsigned long long ret[4], const pow256 a)
const union {
long one;
char little;
} is_endian = { 1 };
size_t i;
if ((uptr_t)ret==(uptr_t)a && is_endian.little)
for(i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
unsigned long long w = (unsigned long long)(*a++);
w |= (unsigned long long)(*a++) << 8;
w |= (unsigned long long)(*a++) << 16;
w |= (unsigned long long)(*a++) << 24;
w |= (unsigned long long)(*a++) << 32;
w |= (unsigned long long)(*a++) << 40;
w |= (unsigned long long)(*a++) << 48;
w |= (unsigned long long)(*a++) << 56;
ret[i] = w;
void blst_scalar_from_bendian(pow256 ret, const unsigned char a[32])
vec256 out;
limbs_from_be_bytes(out, a, sizeof(out));
le_bytes_from_limbs(ret, out, sizeof(out));
vec_zero(out, sizeof(out));
void blst_bendian_from_scalar(unsigned char ret[32], const pow256 a)
vec256 out;
limbs_from_le_bytes(out, a, sizeof(out));
be_bytes_from_limbs(ret, out, sizeof(out));
vec_zero(out, sizeof(out));
void blst_scalar_from_lendian(pow256 ret, const unsigned char a[32])
size_t i;
if ((uptr_t)ret==(uptr_t)a)
for (i = 0; i < 32; i++)
ret[i] = a[i];
void blst_lendian_from_scalar(unsigned char ret[32], const pow256 a)
size_t i;
if ((uptr_t)ret==(uptr_t)a)
for (i = 0; i < 32; i++)
ret[i] = a[i];
void blst_fr_from_uint64(vec256 ret, const unsigned long long a[4])
const union {
long one;
char little;
} is_endian = { 1 };
if (sizeof(limb_t) == 4 && !is_endian.little) {
int i;
for (i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
unsigned long long limb = a[i];
ret[2*i] = (limb_t)limb;
ret[2*i+1] = (limb_t)(limb >> 32);
a = (const unsigned long long *)ret;
mul_mont_sparse_256(ret, (const limb_t *)a, BLS12_381_rRR, BLS12_381_r, r0);
void blst_uint64_from_fr(unsigned long long ret[4], const vec256 a)
const union {
long one;
char little;
} is_endian = { 1 };
if (sizeof(limb_t) == 8 || is_endian.little) {
from_mont_256((limb_t *)ret, a, BLS12_381_r, r0);
} else {
vec256 out;
int i;
from_mont_256(out, a, BLS12_381_r, r0);
for (i = 0; i < 4; i++)
ret[i] = out[2*i] | ((unsigned long long)out[2*i+1] << 32);
vec_zero(out, sizeof(out));
int blst_scalar_from_le_bytes(pow256 out, const unsigned char *bytes, size_t n)
struct { vec256 out, digit, radix; } t;
limb_t ret;
vec_zero(t.out, sizeof(t.out));
vec_copy(t.radix, BLS12_381_rRR, sizeof(t.radix));
while (n > 32) {
limbs_from_le_bytes(t.digit, bytes, 32);
from_mont_256(t.digit, t.digit, BLS12_381_r, r0);
mul_mont_sparse_256(t.digit, t.digit, t.radix, BLS12_381_r, r0);
add_mod_256(t.out, t.out, t.digit, BLS12_381_r);
mul_mont_sparse_256(t.radix, t.radix, BLS12_381_rRR, BLS12_381_r, r0);
bytes += 32;
n -= 32;
vec_zero(t.digit, sizeof(t.digit));
limbs_from_le_bytes(t.digit, bytes, n);
from_mont_256(t.digit, t.digit, BLS12_381_r, r0);
mul_mont_sparse_256(t.digit, t.digit, t.radix, BLS12_381_r, r0);
add_mod_256(t.out, t.out, t.digit, BLS12_381_r);
ret = vec_is_zero(t.out, sizeof(t.out));
le_bytes_from_limbs(out, t.out, 32);
vec_zero(t.out, 2*sizeof(t.out));
return (int)(ret^1);
int blst_scalar_from_be_bytes(pow256 out, const unsigned char *bytes, size_t n)
struct { vec256 out, digit, radix; } t;
limb_t ret;
vec_zero(t.out, sizeof(t.out));
vec_copy(t.radix, BLS12_381_rRR, sizeof(t.radix));
bytes += n;
while (n > 32) {
limbs_from_be_bytes(t.digit, bytes -= 32, 32);
from_mont_256(t.digit, t.digit, BLS12_381_r, r0);
mul_mont_sparse_256(t.digit, t.digit, t.radix, BLS12_381_r, r0);
add_mod_256(t.out, t.out, t.digit, BLS12_381_r);
mul_mont_sparse_256(t.radix, t.radix, BLS12_381_rRR, BLS12_381_r, r0);
n -= 32;
vec_zero(t.digit, sizeof(t.digit));
limbs_from_be_bytes(t.digit, bytes -= n, n);
from_mont_256(t.digit, t.digit, BLS12_381_r, r0);
mul_mont_sparse_256(t.digit, t.digit, t.radix, BLS12_381_r, r0);
add_mod_256(t.out, t.out, t.digit, BLS12_381_r);
ret = vec_is_zero(t.out, sizeof(t.out));
le_bytes_from_limbs(out, t.out, 32);
vec_zero(t.out, 2*sizeof(t.out));
return (int)(ret^1);
* Test facilitator
static unsigned char nibble(char c)
if (c >= '0' && c <= '9')
return c - '0';
else if (c >= 'a' && c <= 'f')
return 10 + c - 'a';
else if (c >= 'A' && c <= 'F')
return 10 + c - 'A';
return 16;
static void limbs_from_hexascii(limb_t *ret, size_t sz, const char *hex)
size_t len;
limb_t limb = 0;
if (hex[0]=='0' && (hex[1]=='x' || hex[1]=='X'))
hex += 2;
for (len = 0; len<2*sz && nibble(hex[len])<16; len++) ;
vec_zero(ret, sz);
while(len--) {
limb <<= 4;
limb |= nibble(*hex++);
if (len % (2*sizeof(limb_t)) == 0)
ret[len / (2*sizeof(limb_t))] = limb;
void blst_scalar_from_hexascii(vec256 ret, const char *hex)
{ limbs_from_hexascii(ret, sizeof(vec256), hex); }
void blst_fp_from_hexascii(vec384 ret, const char *hex)
limbs_from_hexascii(ret, sizeof(vec384), hex);
mul_fp(ret, ret, BLS12_381_RR);