2022-09-09 02:47:49 -04:00

123 lines
2.7 KiB
Executable file

#!/usr/bin/env perl
# Copyright Supranational LLC
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0, see LICENSE for details.
# SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
$flavour = shift;
$output = shift;
if ($flavour && $flavour ne "void") {
$0 =~ m/(.*[\/\\])[^\/\\]+$/; $dir=$1;
( $xlate="${dir}arm-xlate.pl" and -f $xlate ) or
( $xlate="${dir}../../perlasm/arm-xlate.pl" and -f $xlate) or
die "can't locate arm-xlate.pl";
open STDOUT,"| \"$^X\" $xlate $flavour $output";
} else {
open STDOUT,">$output";
.globl div_3_limbs
.type div_3_limbs,%function
.align 5
ldp x4,x5,[x0] // load R
eor x0,x0,x0 // Q = 0
mov x3,#64 // loop counter
subs x6,x4,x1 // R - D
add x0,x0,x0 // Q <<= 1
sbcs x7,x5,x2
add x0,x0,#1 // Q + speculative bit
csel x4,x4,x6,lo // select between R and R - D
extr x1,x2,x1,#1 // D >>= 1
csel x5,x5,x7,lo
lsr x2,x2,#1
sbc x0,x0,xzr // subtract speculative bit
sub x3,x3,#1
cbnz x3,.Loop
asr x3,x0,#63 // top bit -> mask
add x0,x0,x0 // Q <<= 1
subs x6,x4,x1 // R - D
add x0,x0,#1 // Q + specilative bit
sbcs x7,x5,x2
sbc x0,x0,xzr // subtract speculative bit
orr x0,x0,x3 // all ones if overflow
.size div_3_limbs,.-div_3_limbs
my ($div_rem, $divisor, $quot) = map("x$_",(0..2));
my @div = map("x$_",(3..4));
my @acc = map("x$_",(5..7));
my @t = map("x$_",(8..11));
.globl quot_rem_128
.type quot_rem_128,%function
.align 5
ldp @div[0],@div[1],[$divisor]
mul @acc[0],@div[0],$quot // divisor[0:1} * quotient
umulh @acc[1],@div[0],$quot
mul @t[3], @div[1],$quot
umulh @acc[2],@div[1],$quot
ldp @t[0],@t[1],[$div_rem] // load 3 limbs of the dividend
ldr @t[2],[$div_rem,#16]
adds @acc[1],@acc[1],@t[3]
adc @acc[2],@acc[2],xzr
subs @t[0],@t[0],@acc[0] // dividend - divisor * quotient
sbcs @t[1],@t[1],@acc[1]
sbcs @t[2],@t[2],@acc[2]
sbc @acc[0],xzr,xzr // borrow -> mask
add $quot,$quot,@acc[0] // if borrowed, adjust the quotient ...
and @div[0],@div[0],@acc[0]
and @div[1],@div[1],@acc[0]
adds @t[0],@t[0],@div[0] // ... and add divisor
adc @t[1],@t[1],@div[1]
stp @t[0],@t[1],[$div_rem] // save 2 limbs of the remainder
str $quot,[$div_rem,#16] // and one limb of the quotient
mov x0,$quot // return adjusted quotient
.size quot_rem_128,.-quot_rem_128
.globl quot_rem_64
.type quot_rem_64,%function
.align 5
ldr @div[0],[$divisor]
ldr @t[0],[$div_rem] // load 1 limb of the dividend
mul @acc[0],@div[0],$quot // divisor * quotient
sub @t[0],@t[0],@acc[0] // dividend - divisor * quotient
stp @t[0],$quot,[$div_rem] // save remainder and quotient
mov x0,$quot // return quotient
.size quot_rem_64,.-quot_rem_64
print $code;
close STDOUT;