#include "fstoken.h" void fstoken_keygen(byte* ikm, byte* sk_byte, byte* pk_byte){ blst_scalar sk; blst_p2 pk; blst_p2_affine pk_affine; blst_keygen(&sk, ikm, 32, 0, 0); // generate a secret key from IKM blst_bendian_from_scalar(sk_byte, &sk); // convert it to 32 big-endian bytes in sk_byte to return blst_sk_to_pk_in_g2(&pk, &sk); // get a public key from the secret key blst_p2_to_affine(&pk_affine, &pk); // convert it to an affine point, which is what most uses of the public key use blst_p2_affine_compress(pk_byte, &pk_affine); // compress it to 96 bytes in pk_byte to return } void fstoken_get_pk_from_sk(byte* sk_byte, byte* pk_byte){ blst_p2 pk; blst_p2_affine pk_affine; blst_scalar sk; blst_scalar_from_bendian(&sk, sk_byte); //convert the SK to a blst_scalar blst_sk_to_pk_in_g2(&pk, &sk); // get a PK from it blst_p2_to_affine(&pk_affine, &pk); // convert the PK to affine blst_p2_affine_compress(pk_byte, &pk_affine); // compress the PK } void fstoken_gen_request(fstoken_request* req, fstoken_request_descriptor* reqdesc, fstoken_target_descriptor* target, byte* token_id, byte* blinding_factor){ byte debug_print_buf[256]; //get rid of this int targ_idbytes; blst_p1 hash, blinded_id; blst_scalar blinding_r; targ_idbytes = (target->idbits + 7)/8; //printf("IDBYTES_MAX: %i, IDBYTES for target: %i\n", IDBYTES_MAX, targ_idbytes); memcpy(&reqdesc->blinding_factor, blinding_factor, 32); bit_truncated_copy(token_id, reqdesc->token_id, IDBYTES_MAX, target->idbits); //cut down the supplied token ID to match the target's IDBITS value //debug_print_bytes("Working with ID: ", reqdesc->token_id, IDBYTES_MAX); //debug_print_bytes("Working with Blinding Factor: ", blinding_factor, 32); // Hash the Token ID to a BLST P1 blst_hash_to_g1(&hash, token_id, targ_idbytes, FSTOKEN_DST, strlen((char *) FSTOKEN_DST), target->pk, 96); // Get the blinding factor as a BLST scalar blst_scalar_from_bendian(&blinding_r, blinding_factor); blst_p1_serialize(debug_print_buf, &hash); //debug_print_bytes("HASH: ", debug_print_buf, 96); // Sign the hash as if the blinding factor was a private key blst_sign_pk_in_g2(&blinded_id, &hash, &blinding_r); // Compress the resulting signature and put it in the signature request blst_p1_compress(req->id_blind, &blinded_id); //debug_print_bytes("Blinded and compressed for wire: ", req->id_blind, 48); } int fstoken_sign_request(fstoken_request* req, fstoken_signature* sig, fstoken_target_descriptor* targ){ blst_scalar sk; blst_p1 req_id, signature; blst_p1_affine req_id_affine; // get the secret key as a scalar blst_scalar_from_bendian(&sk, targ->sk); // Deserialize the request - it's already a serialized P1 point, we don't need to (literally) rehash it blst_p1_uncompress(&req_id_affine, req->id_blind); // i do not know why deserializing always gives you affine points blst_p1_from_affine(&req_id, &req_id_affine); // Return 1 if the point isn't in G1, this is basically a sanity check if(!blst_p1_in_g1(&req_id)) return 1; // sign with it blst_sign_pk_in_g2(&signature, &req_id, &sk); // Compress and print the signature blst_p1_compress(sig->signature, &signature); //debug_print_bytes("Compressed signature:", sig->signature, 48); return 0; } int fstoken_gen_token(fstoken_request_descriptor* req, fstoken_signature* sig, fstoken_token* token){ blst_p1 returned_signature, unblinded_signature; blst_p1_affine returned_signature_affine; blst_scalar blinding_r, inverse_r; // We now have the signature back. returned_signature is a blst_p1_affine because this is pk_in_g2. blst_p1_uncompress(&returned_signature_affine, sig->signature); // Convert the decompressed returned signature from an affine to a P1 blst_p1_from_affine(&returned_signature, &returned_signature_affine); // Confirm the signature point is in the G1 group if(!blst_p1_in_g1(&returned_signature)) return 1; // Retreive the blinding factor and take its inverse blst_scalar_from_bendian(&blinding_r, req->blinding_factor); blst_sk_inverse(&inverse_r, &blinding_r); //print_scalar("Inverse R: ", &inverse_r); // Unblind the signature using the inverse of the blinding factor blst_sign_pk_in_g2(&unblinded_signature, &returned_signature, &inverse_r); memcpy(token->token_id, req->token_id, IDBYTES_MAX); blst_p1_compress(token->signature, &unblinded_signature); return 0; } void bit_truncated_copy(byte* src, byte* dest, size_t destlen, int bits){ uint8_t bitmask; int bytes; bytes = (bits + 7) / 8; memset(dest, 0, destlen); //clear out the destination memcpy(dest, src, bytes); //copy over as many bytes as are needed for the number of bits //bitmask out the high (fsp is little-endian) bits of the destination if bits is not a round number of bytes bitmask = 0xFF >> (bits % 8); //printf("mask: 0x%0x\n", bitmask); dest[bytes - 1] = dest[bytes - 1] & bitmask; }