/* * Copyright Supranational LLC * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0, see LICENSE for details. * SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 */ #ifndef __BLS12_381_ASM_FIELDS_H__ #define __BLS12_381_ASM_FIELDS_H__ #include "vect.h" #include "consts.h" #ifndef __CUDA_ARCH__ /* * BLS12-381-specifc Fp shortcuts to assembly. */ static inline void add_fp(vec384 ret, const vec384 a, const vec384 b) { add_mod_384(ret, a, b, BLS12_381_P); } static inline void sub_fp(vec384 ret, const vec384 a, const vec384 b) { sub_mod_384(ret, a, b, BLS12_381_P); } static inline void mul_by_3_fp(vec384 ret, const vec384 a) { mul_by_3_mod_384(ret, a, BLS12_381_P); } static inline void mul_by_8_fp(vec384 ret, const vec384 a) { mul_by_8_mod_384(ret, a, BLS12_381_P); } static inline void lshift_fp(vec384 ret, const vec384 a, size_t count) { lshift_mod_384(ret, a, count, BLS12_381_P); } static inline void rshift_fp(vec384 ret, const vec384 a, size_t count) { rshift_mod_384(ret, a, count, BLS12_381_P); } static inline void div_by_2_fp(vec384 ret, const vec384 a) { div_by_2_mod_384(ret, a, BLS12_381_P); } static inline void mul_fp(vec384 ret, const vec384 a, const vec384 b) { mul_mont_384(ret, a, b, BLS12_381_P, p0); } static inline void sqr_fp(vec384 ret, const vec384 a) { sqr_mont_384(ret, a, BLS12_381_P, p0); } static inline void cneg_fp(vec384 ret, const vec384 a, bool_t flag) { cneg_mod_384(ret, a, flag, BLS12_381_P); } static inline void from_fp(vec384 ret, const vec384 a) { from_mont_384(ret, a, BLS12_381_P, p0); } static inline void redc_fp(vec384 ret, const vec768 a) { redc_mont_384(ret, a, BLS12_381_P, p0); } /* * BLS12-381-specifc Fp2 shortcuts to assembly. */ static inline void add_fp2(vec384x ret, const vec384x a, const vec384x b) { add_mod_384x(ret, a, b, BLS12_381_P); } static inline void sub_fp2(vec384x ret, const vec384x a, const vec384x b) { sub_mod_384x(ret, a, b, BLS12_381_P); } static inline void mul_by_3_fp2(vec384x ret, const vec384x a) { mul_by_3_mod_384x(ret, a, BLS12_381_P); } static inline void mul_by_8_fp2(vec384x ret, const vec384x a) { mul_by_8_mod_384x(ret, a, BLS12_381_P); } static inline void lshift_fp2(vec384x ret, const vec384x a, size_t count) { lshift_mod_384(ret[0], a[0], count, BLS12_381_P); lshift_mod_384(ret[1], a[1], count, BLS12_381_P); } static inline void mul_fp2(vec384x ret, const vec384x a, const vec384x b) { mul_mont_384x(ret, a, b, BLS12_381_P, p0); } static inline void sqr_fp2(vec384x ret, const vec384x a) { sqr_mont_384x(ret, a, BLS12_381_P, p0); } static inline void cneg_fp2(vec384x ret, const vec384x a, bool_t flag) { cneg_mod_384(ret[0], a[0], flag, BLS12_381_P); cneg_mod_384(ret[1], a[1], flag, BLS12_381_P); } #define vec_load_global vec_copy static void reciprocal_fp(vec384 out, const vec384 inp); static void flt_reciprocal_fp(vec384 out, const vec384 inp); static bool_t recip_sqrt_fp(vec384 out, const vec384 inp); static bool_t sqrt_fp(vec384 out, const vec384 inp); static void reciprocal_fp2(vec384x out, const vec384x inp); static void flt_reciprocal_fp2(vec384x out, const vec384x inp); static bool_t recip_sqrt_fp2(vec384x out, const vec384x inp, const vec384x recip_ZZZ, const vec384x magic_ZZZ); static bool_t sqrt_fp2(vec384x out, const vec384x inp); static bool_t sqrt_align_fp2(vec384x out, const vec384x ret, const vec384x sqrt, const vec384x inp); typedef vec384x vec384fp2; typedef vec384fp2 vec384fp6[3]; typedef vec384fp6 vec384fp12[2]; static void sqr_fp12(vec384fp12 ret, const vec384fp12 a); static void cyclotomic_sqr_fp12(vec384fp12 ret, const vec384fp12 a); static void mul_fp12(vec384fp12 ret, const vec384fp12 a, const vec384fp12 b); static void mul_by_xy00z0_fp12(vec384fp12 ret, const vec384fp12 a, const vec384fp6 xy00z0); static void conjugate_fp12(vec384fp12 a); static void inverse_fp12(vec384fp12 ret, const vec384fp12 a); /* caveat lector! |n| has to be non-zero and not more than 3! */ static void frobenius_map_fp12(vec384fp12 ret, const vec384fp12 a, size_t n); #else extern "C" { __device__ void mul_fp(vec384 ret, const vec384 a, const vec384 b); __device__ void sqr_fp(vec384 ret, const vec384 a); __device__ void add_fp(vec384 ret, const vec384 a, const vec384 b); __device__ void sub_fp(vec384 ret, const vec384 a, const vec384 b); __device__ void cneg_fp(vec384 ret, const vec384 ap, unsigned int flag); __device__ void rshift_fp(vec384 ret, const vec384 a, unsigned int cnt); __device__ void lshift_fp(vec384 ret, const vec384 a, unsigned int cnt); __device__ void mul_by_3_fp(vec384 ret, const vec384 a); __device__ void from_fp(vec384 ret, const vec384 a); #pragma diag_suppress 3151 __device__ void mul_384(vec768 ret, const vec384 a, const vec384 b); __device__ void sqr_384(vec768 ret, const vec384 a); #pragma diag_default 3151 __device__ void redc_fp(vec384 ret, const vec768 a); __device__ void add_fpx2(vec768 ret, const vec768 a, const vec768 b); __device__ void sub_fpx2(vec768 ret, const vec768 a, const vec768 b); __device__ void vec_load_global(limb_t *ret, const limb_t *a, unsigned int sz = 48); } static inline void mul_by_8_fp(vec384 ret, const vec384 a) { lshift_fp(ret, a, 3); } static inline void add_fp2(vec384x ret, const vec384x a, const vec384x b) { add_fp(ret[0], a[0], b[0]); add_fp(ret[1], a[1], b[1]); } static inline void sub_fp2(vec384x ret, const vec384x a, const vec384x b) { sub_fp(ret[0], a[0], b[0]); sub_fp(ret[1], a[1], b[1]); } static inline void mul_by_3_fp2(vec384x ret, const vec384x a) { mul_by_3_fp(ret[0], a[0]); mul_by_3_fp(ret[1], a[1]); } static inline void mul_by_8_fp2(vec384x ret, const vec384x a) { lshift_fp(ret[0], a[0], 3); lshift_fp(ret[1], a[1], 3); } static inline void lshift_fp2(vec384x ret, const vec384x a, size_t count) { lshift_fp(ret[0], a[0], count); lshift_fp(ret[1], a[1], count); } static inline void cneg_fp2(vec384x ret, const vec384x a, limb_t flag) { cneg_fp(ret[0], a[0], flag); cneg_fp(ret[1], a[1], flag); } static inline void mul_fp2(vec384x ret, const vec384x a, const vec384x b) { vec384 aa, bb, cc; add_fp(aa, a[0], a[1]); add_fp(bb, b[0], b[1]); mul_fp(bb, bb, aa); mul_fp(aa, a[0], b[0]); mul_fp(cc, a[1], b[1]); sub_fp(ret[0], aa, cc); sub_fp(ret[1], bb, aa); sub_fp(ret[1], ret[1], cc); } static inline void sqr_fp2(vec384x ret, const vec384x a) { vec384 t0, t1; add_fp(t0, a[0], a[1]); sub_fp(t1, a[0], a[1]); mul_fp(ret[1], a[0], a[1]); add_fp(ret[1], ret[1], ret[1]); mul_fp(ret[0], t0, t1); } #endif #define neg_fp(r,a) cneg_fp((r),(a),1) #define neg_fp2(r,a) cneg_fp2((r),(a),1) #endif /* __BLS12_381_ASM_FIELDS_H__ */