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2022-09-09 06:47:49 +00:00
* Copyright Supranational LLC
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0, see LICENSE for details.
* SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
#include "consts.h"
#include "sha256.h"
typedef struct {
SHA256_CTX ctx;
unsigned int h_ipad[8];
unsigned int h_opad[8];
union { limb_t l[64/sizeof(limb_t)]; unsigned char c[64]; } tail;
static void HMAC_init(HMAC_SHA256_CTX *ctx, const void *K, size_t K_len)
size_t i;
if (K == NULL) { /* reuse h_ipad and h_opad */
sha256_hcopy(ctx->ctx.h, ctx->h_ipad);
ctx->ctx.N = 64;
vec_zero(ctx->ctx.buf, sizeof(ctx->ctx.buf));
ctx->ctx.off = 0;
vec_zero(ctx->tail.c, sizeof(ctx->tail));
if (K_len > 64) {
sha256_update(&ctx->ctx, K, K_len);
sha256_final(ctx->tail.c, &ctx->ctx);
} else {
sha256_bcopy(ctx->tail.c, K, K_len);
for (i = 0; i < 64/sizeof(limb_t); i++)
ctx->tail.l[i] ^= (limb_t)0x3636363636363636;
sha256_update(&ctx->ctx, ctx->tail.c, 64);
sha256_hcopy(ctx->h_ipad, ctx->ctx.h);
for (i = 0; i < 64/sizeof(limb_t); i++)
ctx->tail.l[i] ^= (limb_t)(0x3636363636363636 ^ 0x5c5c5c5c5c5c5c5c);
sha256_block_data_order(ctx->h_opad, ctx->tail.c, 1);
vec_zero(ctx->tail.c, sizeof(ctx->tail));
ctx->tail.c[32] = 0x80;
ctx->tail.c[62] = 3; /* (64+32)*8 in big endian */
ctx->tail.c[63] = 0;
static void HMAC_update(HMAC_SHA256_CTX *ctx, const unsigned char *inp,
size_t len)
{ sha256_update(&ctx->ctx, inp, len); }
static void HMAC_final(unsigned char md[32], HMAC_SHA256_CTX *ctx)
sha256_final(ctx->tail.c, &ctx->ctx);
sha256_hcopy(ctx->ctx.h, ctx->h_opad);
sha256_block_data_order(ctx->ctx.h, ctx->tail.c, 1);
sha256_emit(md, ctx->ctx.h);
static void HKDF_Extract(unsigned char PRK[32],
const void *salt, size_t salt_len,
const void *IKM, size_t IKM_len,
HMAC_SHA256_CTX *ctx)
unsigned char zero[1] = { 0 };
HMAC_init(ctx, salt != NULL ? salt : zero, salt_len);
HMAC_update(ctx, IKM, IKM_len);
/* Section 2.3 KeyGen in BLS-signature draft */
HMAC_update(ctx, zero, 1);
HMAC_final(PRK, ctx);
static void HKDF_Expand(unsigned char *OKM, size_t L,
const unsigned char PRK[32],
const void *info, size_t info_len,
HMAC_SHA256_CTX *ctx)
#if !defined(__STDC_VERSION__) || __STDC_VERSION__<199901
unsigned char *info_prime = alloca(info_len + 2 + 1);
unsigned char info_prime[info_len + 2 + 1];
HMAC_init(ctx, PRK, 32);
if (info_len != 0)
sha256_bcopy(info_prime, info, info_len);
/* Section 2.3 KeyGen in BLS-signature draft */
info_prime[info_len + 0] = (unsigned char)(L >> 8);
info_prime[info_len + 1] = (unsigned char)(L);
info_len += 2;
info_prime[info_len] = 1; /* counter */
HMAC_update(ctx, info_prime, info_len + 1);
HMAC_final(ctx->tail.c, ctx);
while (L > 32) {
sha256_hcopy((unsigned int *)OKM, (const unsigned int *)ctx->tail.c);
OKM += 32; L -= 32;
++info_prime[info_len]; /* counter */
HMAC_init(ctx, NULL, 0);
HMAC_update(ctx, ctx->tail.c, 32);
HMAC_update(ctx, info_prime, info_len + 1);
HMAC_final(ctx->tail.c, ctx);
sha256_bcopy(OKM, ctx->tail.c, L);
void blst_keygen(pow256 SK, const void *IKM, size_t IKM_len,
const void *info, size_t info_len)
struct {
HMAC_SHA256_CTX ctx;
unsigned char PRK[32], OKM[48];
vec512 key;
} scratch;
unsigned char salt[32] = "BLS-SIG-KEYGEN-SALT-";
size_t salt_len = 20;
if (IKM_len < 32) {
vec_zero(SK, sizeof(pow256));
* Vet |info| since some callers were caught to be sloppy, e.g.
* SWIG-4.0-generated Python wrapper...
info_len = info==NULL ? 0 : info_len;
do {
/* salt = H(salt) */
sha256_update(&scratch.ctx.ctx, salt, salt_len);
sha256_final(salt, &scratch.ctx.ctx);
salt_len = sizeof(salt);
/* PRK = HKDF-Extract(salt, IKM || I2OSP(0, 1)) */
HKDF_Extract(scratch.PRK, salt, salt_len,
IKM, IKM_len, &scratch.ctx);
/* OKM = HKDF-Expand(PRK, key_info || I2OSP(L, 2), L) */
HKDF_Expand(scratch.OKM, sizeof(scratch.OKM), scratch.PRK,
info, info_len, &scratch.ctx);
/* SK = OS2IP(OKM) mod r */
vec_zero(scratch.key, sizeof(scratch.key));
limbs_from_be_bytes(scratch.key, scratch.OKM, sizeof(scratch.OKM));
redc_mont_256(scratch.key, scratch.key, BLS12_381_r, r0);
* Given that mul_mont_sparse_256 has special boundary conditions
* it's appropriate to mention that redc_mont_256 output is fully
* reduced at this point. Because we started with 384-bit input,
* one with most significant half smaller than the modulus.
mul_mont_sparse_256(scratch.key, scratch.key, BLS12_381_rRR,
BLS12_381_r, r0);
} while (vec_is_zero(scratch.key, sizeof(vec256)));
le_bytes_from_limbs(SK, scratch.key, sizeof(pow256));
* scrub the stack just in case next callee inadvertently flashes
* a fragment across application boundary...
vec_zero(&scratch, sizeof(scratch));