// Simple test of the UART pins and clock, no CPU needed module top(input clk, output ser_tx, input ser_rx); //assign ser_tx = test_chars; // uncomment for a bunch of ASCII "U" characters assign ser_tx = ser_rx; // uncomment first for serial echo wire serclk; reg test_chars; clkdiv clock_generator (clk, serclk); always @(posedge serclk) begin test_chars = !test_chars; end endmodule module clkdiv(input clock_in, output reg clock_out); reg[15:0] counter=16'd0; parameter DIVISOR = 16'd104; //set according to desired baudrate for test characters (e.g. 12,000,000 Hz / 115200 baud ~= clock divider 104) always @(posedge clock_in) begin counter <= counter + 16'd1; if(counter>=(DIVISOR-1)) counter <= 16'd0; clock_out <= (counter