EESchema Schematic File Version 4 EELAYER 30 0 EELAYER END $Descr A4 8268 11693 portrait encoding utf-8 Sheet 5 5 Title "" Date "" Rev "" Comp "" Comment1 "" Comment2 "" Comment3 "" Comment4 "" $EndDescr $Comp L PCIe:Card_Edge_X16 X1 U 1 1 616014EF P 4150 1150 F 0 "X1" H 4150 1317 50 0000 C CNN F 1 "Card_Edge_X16" H 4150 1226 50 0000 C CNN F 2 "Connector_PCBEdge:BUS_PCIexpress_x16" H 4150 1150 50 0001 C CNN F 3 "" H 4150 1150 50 0001 C CNN 1 4150 1150 1 0 0 -1 $EndComp Wire Wire Line 4850 1250 4950 1250 Wire Wire Line 4950 1250 4950 1350 Wire Wire Line 4950 1350 4850 1350 Wire Wire Line 4950 2050 4850 2050 Wire Wire Line 4850 2150 4950 2150 Wire Wire Line 4950 2150 4950 2050 Wire Wire Line 4850 2250 4950 2250 Wire Wire Line 4950 2250 4950 2150 Connection ~ 4950 2150 $Comp L power:VBUS #PWR0133 U 1 1 6162F263 P 3300 1100 F 0 "#PWR0133" H 3300 950 50 0001 C CNN F 1 "VBUS" H 3315 1273 50 0000 C CNN F 2 "" H 3300 1100 50 0001 C CNN F 3 "" H 3300 1100 50 0001 C CNN 1 3300 1100 1 0 0 -1 $EndComp $Comp L Device:R_US R6 U 1 1 6162EBB7 P 2850 9600 F 0 "R6" H 2918 9646 50 0000 L CNN F 1 "4.7k" H 2918 9555 50 0000 L CNN F 2 "Resistor_SMD:R_0603_1608Metric" V 2890 9590 50 0001 C CNN F 3 "~" H 2850 9600 50 0001 C CNN 1 2850 9600 1 0 0 -1 $EndComp $Comp L power:GND #PWR0134 U 1 1 6164489F P 5400 1500 F 0 "#PWR0134" H 5400 1250 50 0001 C CNN F 1 "GND" H 5405 1327 50 0000 C CNN F 2 "" H 5400 1500 50 0001 C CNN F 3 "" H 5400 1500 50 0001 C CNN 1 5400 1500 1 0 0 -1 $EndComp Text GLabel 4850 1650 2 50 Input ~ 0 UP_R Text GLabel 4850 1750 2 50 Input ~ 0 SC_R Text GLabel 3450 1850 0 50 Input ~ 0 CLKA Text GLabel 3450 1950 0 50 Input ~ 0 CLKB Text GLabel 4850 1550 2 50 Input ~ 0 PRSNT_R Wire Wire Line 4850 1450 4950 1450 Wire Wire Line 4950 1450 4950 1350 Connection ~ 4950 1350 Text GLabel 2750 9400 0 50 Input ~ 0 PRSNT_IN Wire Wire Line 3450 9400 2850 9400 Text Notes 1550 1250 0 50 ~ 0 NOTE: PRSNT_OUT is connected to VBUS\non the card, pulled low on the backplane.\nFor backplane, will be high if card present,\nlow if card not. Text Notes 650 9550 0 50 ~ 0 NOTE: PRSNT_IN is pulled low on the card,\nbut connected to VBUS on backplane. Will\nbe low for card when standalone, high\nwhen in backplane. $Comp L power:GND #PWR0135 U 1 1 6169A1F9 P 2850 9800 F 0 "#PWR0135" H 2850 9550 50 0001 C CNN F 1 "GND" H 2855 9627 50 0000 C CNN F 2 "" H 2850 9800 50 0001 C CNN F 3 "" H 2850 9800 50 0001 C CNN 1 2850 9800 1 0 0 -1 $EndComp Wire Wire Line 2850 9450 2850 9400 Wire Wire Line 2850 9750 2850 9800 Connection ~ 2850 9400 Wire Wire Line 2850 9400 2750 9400 Wire Wire Line 3300 1100 3300 1250 Wire Wire Line 3300 1250 3450 1250 Text GLabel 3450 1350 0 50 Input ~ 0 UP Text GLabel 3450 1450 0 50 Input ~ 0 SC Text GLabel 3450 1550 0 50 Input ~ 0 PRSNT_L Text GLabel 3450 1750 0 50 Input ~ 0 SC_L Text GLabel 3450 1650 0 50 Input ~ 0 UP_L $Comp L power:GND #PWR0137 U 1 1 61706D98 P 3350 9650 F 0 "#PWR0137" H 3350 9400 50 0001 C CNN F 1 "GND" H 3355 9477 50 0000 C CNN F 2 "" H 3350 9650 50 0001 C CNN F 3 "" H 3350 9650 50 0001 C CNN 1 3350 9650 1 0 0 -1 $EndComp Wire Wire Line 3450 9500 3350 9500 Wire Wire Line 3350 9500 3350 9650 $Comp L power:GND #PWR0150 U 1 1 6170B23E P 5000 9650 F 0 "#PWR0150" H 5000 9400 50 0001 C CNN F 1 "GND" H 5005 9477 50 0000 C CNN F 2 "" H 5000 9650 50 0001 C CNN F 3 "" H 5000 9650 50 0001 C CNN 1 5000 9650 1 0 0 -1 $EndComp Wire Wire Line 4850 9500 5000 9500 Wire Wire Line 5000 9500 5000 9650 Text GLabel 4850 1850 2 50 Input ~ 0 CARD_RX Text GLabel 4850 1950 2 50 Input ~ 0 CARD_TX Text GLabel 3450 2050 0 50 Input ~ 0 ID0 Text GLabel 3450 2150 0 50 Input ~ 0 ID1 Wire Wire Line 5400 1500 5400 1450 Wire Wire Line 5400 1450 4950 1450 Connection ~ 4950 1450 Wire Wire Line 3450 2250 3300 2250 Wire Wire Line 3300 2250 3300 2350 Wire Wire Line 3300 2350 4950 2350 Wire Wire Line 4950 2350 4950 2250 Connection ~ 4950 2250 $Comp L LTC4411:LTC4411 U11 U 1 1 61749FF0 P 6000 1950 F 0 "U11" H 6275 2115 50 0000 C CNN F 1 "LTC4411" H 6275 2024 50 0000 C CNN F 2 "Package_TO_SOT_SMD:TSOT-23-5" H 5950 2000 50 0001 C CNN F 3 "" H 5950 2000 50 0001 C CNN 1 6000 1950 1 0 0 -1 $EndComp Wire Wire Line 5850 2150 5800 2150 Wire Wire Line 5800 2150 5800 2250 Wire Wire Line 5800 2250 5850 2250 $Comp L power:GND #PWR0151 U 1 1 61750E7F P 5800 2500 F 0 "#PWR0151" H 5800 2250 50 0001 C CNN F 1 "GND" H 5805 2327 50 0000 C CNN F 2 "" H 5800 2500 50 0001 C CNN F 3 "" H 5800 2500 50 0001 C CNN 1 5800 2500 1 0 0 -1 $EndComp Wire Wire Line 5800 2500 5800 2400 Connection ~ 5800 2250 Wire Wire Line 6700 2050 6800 2050 Connection ~ 4950 2050 $Comp L power:VBUS #PWR0152 U 1 1 6175B758 P 7650 850 F 0 "#PWR0152" H 7650 700 50 0001 C CNN F 1 "VBUS" H 7665 1023 50 0000 C CNN F 2 "" H 7650 850 50 0001 C CNN F 3 "" H 7650 850 50 0001 C CNN 1 7650 850 1 0 0 -1 $EndComp $Comp L power:+BATT #PWR0153 U 1 1 6175B9A4 P 6950 850 F 0 "#PWR0153" H 6950 700 50 0001 C CNN F 1 "+BATT" H 6965 1023 50 0000 C CNN F 2 "" H 6950 850 50 0001 C CNN F 3 "" H 6950 850 50 0001 C CNN 1 6950 850 1 0 0 -1 $EndComp $Comp L LTC4411:LTC4411 U10 U 1 1 6175B9AE P 6000 850 F 0 "U10" H 6275 1015 50 0000 C CNN F 1 "LTC4411" H 6275 924 50 0000 C CNN F 2 "Package_TO_SOT_SMD:TSOT-23-5" H 5950 900 50 0001 C CNN F 3 "" H 5950 900 50 0001 C CNN 1 6000 850 1 0 0 -1 $EndComp Wire Wire Line 5850 1050 5800 1050 Wire Wire Line 5800 1050 5800 1150 Wire Wire Line 5800 1150 5850 1150 $Comp L power:GND #PWR0154 U 1 1 6175B9BC P 5800 1400 F 0 "#PWR0154" H 5800 1150 50 0001 C CNN F 1 "GND" H 5805 1227 50 0000 C CNN F 2 "" H 5800 1400 50 0001 C CNN F 3 "" H 5800 1400 50 0001 C CNN 1 5800 1400 1 0 0 -1 $EndComp Wire Wire Line 5800 1400 5800 1300 Connection ~ 5800 1150 Wire Wire Line 6700 950 6800 950 Wire Wire Line 6950 950 6950 850 Wire Wire Line 6950 950 7100 950 Wire Wire Line 7650 950 7650 850 Connection ~ 6950 950 $Comp L Device:C C38 U 1 1 6175F9A5 P 7100 2200 F 0 "C38" H 7215 2246 50 0000 L CNN F 1 "10uF" H 7215 2155 50 0000 L CNN F 2 "Capacitor_SMD:C_0603_1608Metric" H 7138 2050 50 0001 C CNN F 3 "~" H 7100 2200 50 0001 C CNN 1 7100 2200 1 0 0 -1 $EndComp $Comp L Device:C C36 U 1 1 6175FE10 P 7100 1100 F 0 "C36" H 7215 1146 50 0000 L CNN F 1 "10uF" H 7215 1055 50 0000 L CNN F 2 "Capacitor_SMD:C_0603_1608Metric" H 7138 950 50 0001 C CNN F 3 "~" H 7100 1100 50 0001 C CNN 1 7100 1100 1 0 0 -1 $EndComp Connection ~ 7100 950 Wire Wire Line 7100 950 7250 950 $Comp L power:GND #PWR0155 U 1 1 6176033C P 7100 1250 F 0 "#PWR0155" H 7100 1000 50 0001 C CNN F 1 "GND" H 7105 1077 50 0000 C CNN F 2 "" H 7100 1250 50 0001 C CNN F 3 "" H 7100 1250 50 0001 C CNN 1 7100 1250 1 0 0 -1 $EndComp $Comp L power:GND #PWR0156 U 1 1 617606C6 P 7100 2350 F 0 "#PWR0156" H 7100 2100 50 0001 C CNN F 1 "GND" H 7105 2177 50 0000 C CNN F 2 "" H 7100 2350 50 0001 C CNN F 3 "" H 7100 2350 50 0001 C CNN 1 7100 2350 1 0 0 -1 $EndComp Connection ~ 5800 2400 Wire Wire Line 5800 2400 5800 2250 $Comp L Device:C C35 U 1 1 6176ACDC P 5500 1100 F 0 "C35" H 5615 1146 50 0000 L CNN F 1 "1uF" H 5615 1055 50 0000 L CNN F 2 "Capacitor_SMD:C_0603_1608Metric" H 5538 950 50 0001 C CNN F 3 "~" H 5500 1100 50 0001 C CNN 1 5500 1100 1 0 0 -1 $EndComp Wire Wire Line 5850 950 5500 950 Wire Wire Line 5500 1250 5500 1300 Wire Wire Line 5500 1300 5800 1300 Connection ~ 5800 1300 Wire Wire Line 5800 1300 5800 1150 Wire Wire Line 5500 2400 5800 2400 Wire Wire Line 5500 2350 5500 2400 Wire Wire Line 5500 2050 5850 2050 Connection ~ 5500 2050 Wire Wire Line 4950 2050 5500 2050 $Comp L Device:C C37 U 1 1 617658B2 P 5500 2200 F 0 "C37" H 5615 2246 50 0000 L CNN F 1 "1uF" H 5615 2155 50 0000 L CNN F 2 "Capacitor_SMD:C_0603_1608Metric" H 5538 2050 50 0001 C CNN F 3 "~" H 5500 2200 50 0001 C CNN 1 5500 2200 1 0 0 -1 $EndComp Wire Wire Line 6800 950 6800 2050 Connection ~ 6800 950 Wire Wire Line 6800 950 6950 950 Connection ~ 6800 2050 Wire Wire Line 6800 2050 7100 2050 $Comp L power:GND #PWR0157 U 1 1 61788F61 P 5250 1100 F 0 "#PWR0157" H 5250 850 50 0001 C CNN F 1 "GND" H 5255 927 50 0000 C CNN F 2 "" H 5250 1100 50 0001 C CNN F 3 "" H 5250 1100 50 0001 C CNN 1 5250 1100 1 0 0 -1 $EndComp Wire Wire Line 5150 950 5250 950 Wire Wire Line 5250 950 5250 1100 Wire Wire Line 5150 750 5500 750 Wire Wire Line 5500 750 5500 950 Connection ~ 5500 950 Text Notes 5150 650 0 50 ~ 0 External power connector $Comp L Device:Net-Tie_2 NT1 U 1 1 617F1126 P 7350 950 F 0 "NT1" H 7350 1131 50 0000 C CNN F 1 "Net-Tie_2" H 7350 1040 50 0000 C CNN F 2 "NetTie:NetTie-2_SMD_Pad0.5mm" H 7350 950 50 0001 C CNN F 3 "~" H 7350 950 50 0001 C CNN 1 7350 950 1 0 0 -1 $EndComp Wire Wire Line 7450 950 7650 950 $Comp L Connector:Barrel_Jack_Switch J2 U 1 1 6183409D P 4850 850 F 0 "J2" H 4907 1075 50 0000 C CNN F 1 "Barrel_Jack_Switch" H 4907 1076 50 0001 C CNN F 2 "Connector_BarrelJack:BarrelJack_Horizontal" H 4900 810 50 0001 C CNN F 3 "" H 4900 810 50 0001 C CNN 1 4850 850 1 0 0 -1 $EndComp Text GLabel 4850 9400 2 50 Input ~ 0 P2 Text GLabel 4850 9300 2 50 Input ~ 0 P1 Text GLabel 4850 9200 2 50 Input ~ 0 N2 Text GLabel 4850 9100 2 50 Input ~ 0 N1 Text GLabel 4850 9000 2 50 Input ~ 0 M1 Text GLabel 4850 8900 2 50 Input ~ 0 L2 Text GLabel 4850 8800 2 50 Input ~ 0 L1 Text GLabel 4850 8700 2 50 Input ~ 0 K2 Text GLabel 4850 8600 2 50 Input ~ 0 K1 Text GLabel 4850 8500 2 50 Input ~ 0 J1 Text GLabel 4850 8400 2 50 Input ~ 0 H2 Text GLabel 4850 8300 2 50 Input ~ 0 H1 Text GLabel 4850 8200 2 50 Input ~ 0 G2 Text GLabel 4850 8100 2 50 Input ~ 0 G1 Text GLabel 4850 8000 2 50 Input ~ 0 F2 Text GLabel 4850 7900 2 50 Input ~ 0 F1 Text GLabel 4850 7800 2 50 Input ~ 0 E2 Text GLabel 4850 7700 2 50 Input ~ 0 E1 Text GLabel 4850 7600 2 50 Input ~ 0 D2 Text GLabel 4850 7500 2 50 Input ~ 0 D1 Text GLabel 4850 7400 2 50 Input ~ 0 C2 Text GLabel 4850 7300 2 50 Input ~ 0 C1 Text GLabel 4850 7200 2 50 Input ~ 0 B2 Text GLabel 4850 7100 2 50 Input ~ 0 B1 Text GLabel 4850 7000 2 50 Input ~ 0 B3 Text GLabel 4850 6900 2 50 Input ~ 0 A2 Text GLabel 4850 6800 2 50 Input ~ 0 A3 Text GLabel 4850 6700 2 50 Input ~ 0 B4 Text GLabel 4850 6600 2 50 Input ~ 0 A4 Text GLabel 4850 6500 2 50 Input ~ 0 B5 Text GLabel 4850 6400 2 50 Input ~ 0 A5 Text GLabel 4850 6300 2 50 Input ~ 0 A15 Text GLabel 4850 6200 2 50 Input ~ 0 B15 Text GLabel 4850 6100 2 50 Input ~ 0 A16 Text GLabel 4850 6000 2 50 Input ~ 0 B16 Text GLabel 4850 5900 2 50 Input ~ 0 A17 Text GLabel 4850 5800 2 50 Input ~ 0 B17 Text GLabel 4850 5700 2 50 Input ~ 0 A18 Text GLabel 4850 5600 2 50 Input ~ 0 B18 Text GLabel 4850 5500 2 50 Input ~ 0 A19 Text GLabel 4850 5400 2 50 Input ~ 0 B19 Text GLabel 4850 5300 2 50 Input ~ 0 B20 Text GLabel 4850 5200 2 50 Input ~ 0 C20 Text GLabel 4850 5100 2 50 Input ~ 0 D19 Text GLabel 4850 5000 2 50 Input ~ 0 D20 Text GLabel 4850 4900 2 50 Input ~ 0 E19 Text GLabel 4850 4800 2 50 Input ~ 0 F19 Text GLabel 4850 4700 2 50 Input ~ 0 F20 Text GLabel 4850 4600 2 50 Input ~ 0 G19 Text GLabel 4850 4500 2 50 Input ~ 0 G20 Text GLabel 4850 4400 2 50 Input ~ 0 H20 Text GLabel 4850 4300 2 50 Input ~ 0 J19 Text GLabel 4850 4200 2 50 Input ~ 0 J20 Text GLabel 4850 4100 2 50 Input ~ 0 K19 Text GLabel 4850 4000 2 50 Input ~ 0 K20 Text GLabel 4850 3900 2 50 Input ~ 0 L19 Text GLabel 4850 3800 2 50 Input ~ 0 L20 Text GLabel 4850 3700 2 50 Input ~ 0 M19 Text GLabel 4850 3600 2 50 Input ~ 0 M20 Text GLabel 4850 3500 2 50 Input ~ 0 N19 Text GLabel 4850 3400 2 50 Input ~ 0 N20 Text GLabel 4850 3300 2 50 Input ~ 0 P19 Text GLabel 4850 3200 2 50 Input ~ 0 P20 Text GLabel 4850 3100 2 50 Input ~ 0 R20 Text GLabel 4850 3000 2 50 Input ~ 0 T19 Text GLabel 4850 2900 2 50 Input ~ 0 T20 Text GLabel 4850 2800 2 50 Input ~ 0 U19 Text GLabel 4850 2700 2 50 Input ~ 0 U20 Text GLabel 4850 2600 2 50 Input ~ 0 U16 Text GLabel 4850 2500 2 50 Input ~ 0 GND Text GLabel 3450 2500 0 50 Input ~ 0 GND Text GLabel 3450 2700 0 50 Input ~ 0 T16 Text GLabel 3450 2600 0 50 Input ~ 0 R16 Text GLabel 3450 2800 0 50 Input ~ 0 U18 Text GLabel 3450 2900 0 50 Input ~ 0 U17 Text GLabel 3450 3000 0 50 Input ~ 0 T18 Text GLabel 3450 3100 0 50 Input ~ 0 T17 Text GLabel 3450 3200 0 50 Input ~ 0 R18 Text GLabel 3450 3300 0 50 Input ~ 0 R17 Text GLabel 3450 3400 0 50 Input ~ 0 P18 Text GLabel 3450 3500 0 50 Input ~ 0 P17 Text GLabel 3450 3600 0 50 Input ~ 0 N18 Text GLabel 3450 3700 0 50 Input ~ 0 N17 Text GLabel 3450 3800 0 50 Input ~ 0 M18 Text GLabel 3450 3900 0 50 Input ~ 0 M17 Text GLabel 3450 4000 0 50 Input ~ 0 L18 Text GLabel 3450 4100 0 50 Input ~ 0 L17 Text GLabel 3450 4200 0 50 Input ~ 0 K18 Text GLabel 3450 4300 0 50 Input ~ 0 K17 Text GLabel 3450 4400 0 50 Input ~ 0 J18 Text GLabel 3450 4500 0 50 Input ~ 0 J17 Text GLabel 3450 4600 0 50 Input ~ 0 H18 Text GLabel 3450 4700 0 50 Input ~ 0 H17 Text GLabel 3450 4800 0 50 Input ~ 0 G18 Text GLabel 3450 4900 0 50 Input ~ 0 F18 Text GLabel 3450 5000 0 50 Input ~ 0 F17 Text GLabel 3450 5100 0 50 Input ~ 0 E18 Text GLabel 3450 5200 0 50 Input ~ 0 E17 Text GLabel 3450 5300 0 50 Input ~ 0 C18 Text GLabel 3450 5400 0 50 Input ~ 0 D18 Text GLabel 3450 5500 0 50 Input ~ 0 C17 Text GLabel 3450 5600 0 50 Input ~ 0 D17 Text GLabel 3450 5700 0 50 Input ~ 0 C16 Text GLabel 3450 5800 0 50 Input ~ 0 D16 Text GLabel 3450 5900 0 50 Input ~ 0 C15 Text GLabel 3450 6000 0 50 Input ~ 0 D15 Text GLabel 3450 6100 0 50 Input ~ 0 E15 Text GLabel 3450 6200 0 50 Input ~ 0 F16 Text GLabel 3450 6300 0 50 Input ~ 0 G16 Text GLabel 3450 6400 0 50 Input ~ 0 E5 Text GLabel 3450 6500 0 50 Input ~ 0 C5 Text GLabel 3450 6600 0 50 Input ~ 0 D5 Text GLabel 3450 6900 0 50 Input ~ 0 C3 Text GLabel 3450 7000 0 50 Input ~ 0 C4 Text GLabel 3450 7100 0 50 Input ~ 0 D3 Text GLabel 3450 7200 0 50 Input ~ 0 G5 Text GLabel 3450 7300 0 50 Input ~ 0 E3 Text GLabel 3450 7400 0 50 Input ~ 0 E4 Text GLabel 3450 7500 0 50 Input ~ 0 F3 Text GLabel 3450 7600 0 50 Input ~ 0 F4 Text GLabel 3450 6700 0 50 Input ~ 0 F5 Text GLabel 3450 6800 0 50 Input ~ 0 J5 Text GLabel 3450 7700 0 50 Input ~ 0 G3 Text GLabel 3450 7800 0 50 Input ~ 0 H5 Text GLabel 3450 7900 0 50 Input ~ 0 H3 Text GLabel 3450 8000 0 50 Input ~ 0 H4 Text GLabel 3450 8100 0 50 Input ~ 0 J3 Text GLabel 3450 8200 0 50 Input ~ 0 J4 Text GLabel 3450 8300 0 50 Input ~ 0 K3 Text GLabel 3450 8400 0 50 Input ~ 0 K4 Text GLabel 3450 8500 0 50 Input ~ 0 L3 Text GLabel 3450 8600 0 50 Input ~ 0 L4 Text GLabel 3450 8700 0 50 Input ~ 0 M3 Text GLabel 3450 8800 0 50 Input ~ 0 M4 Text GLabel 3450 8900 0 50 Input ~ 0 N3 Text GLabel 3450 9000 0 50 Input ~ 0 N4 Text GLabel 3450 9100 0 50 Input ~ 0 P3 Text GLabel 3450 9200 0 50 Input ~ 0 P4 Text GLabel 3450 9300 0 50 Input ~ 0 P5 $EndSCHEMATC